Our Coaching & Mentoring projects
We have seen the increased use of coaching and mentoring within the workplace – increasing individual capacity and providing an alternative to more structured learning experiences and programmes. We provide a range of coaching and mentoring support activities to our member organisations. In our work with individuals, we will encourage reflection and design around personal branding statements.
“People have a strong internal drive to improve, to make their lives better, and ultimately to become their ideal self”. Carl Rodgers
Support and activities on offer:
- The organisational leaders in our member organisations provide mentoring support to First Line Leaders across the LDC community. The element of external support and a fresh perspective seems to deliver positive outcomes.
- We have the capability and infrastructure to offer a qualification route for individuals who want to invest further in their coaching and mentoring capability.
- We have a Best Practice Group that focuses on coaching and mentoring
Our Mentoring Project. We are working hard to create momentum around our mentoring project. The LDC can’t achieve this ambition without the support of the mentors and mentees. Within our mentoring community, we want everyone to feel a sense of progress and
creating a communication ‘rhythm’. We simply want our mentoring project to reach its full potential.
A range of activities between October 1st & January 2025:
- Alex Firmin will run a series of one-hour online workshops. The workshops will cover a range of topics, providing material and ideas for mentors and mentees to use in their discussions.
- Graham Scott will pick up some discussions with mentors and mentees. What will success look like at the end of 2024?
- Access to some thought leadership material
- Online briefing sessions around our proposed coaching qualification
- Encouragement for mentors and mentees to meet face to face over the coming months
- Sharing of best practice – what is working well?
- Introduction of new mentoring partnerships
- Mentoring conference – January 23rd & 24th, 2025. Exposure to best practice at Nissan, input from the LDC, and setting out ambitions for 2025.
The cost to attend the January conference will be £395.00 per person. Acceptance of the LDC invite will generate an invoice which will need to be paid on December 1st 2024.
Coaching has developed over the past 20 years to become one of the most crucial skills for managers. It supports on the job development, improves the quality of decision making in the organisation, and has been shown to significantly increase engagement and motivation. Coaching provides “a model in which managers give support and guidance rather than instructions, and employees learn how to adapt to constantly changing environments in ways that unleash fresh energy, innovation, and commitment” (Ibarra and Scoular, 2019).
If you would like to know more about developing a coaching approach to management, this is an excellent article: https://hbr.org/2019/11/the-leader-as-coach
The LDC will be offering professional coaching accreditation from the Chartered Management Institute; this workshop will provide a concise introduction, and an excellent first step to becoming a professional coach.
“I would highly recommend the mentoring programme run by the LDC to everyone. Whether you are looking for personal development, to further your knowledge, starting a new role and looking for guidance or have an interest in other people’s experiences, support, and expertise, you will definitely find value to having a mentor.
To share my personal experience, In the past year I have taken a more senior role within my organisation, becoming part of the management and supervision team.
I was partnered with a mentor earlier this year and have found having a friendly face outside of our company who I can turn to for guidance, advice and support has been very beneficial in both my personal development and the transition to my new role. having someone with the knowledge and experience has been a helpful resource to guide me through all aspects of my new position.”
Chris Smith
Mould Shop Supervisor
Ardagh Glass, Knottingley Site