Benchmarking Visits.
The Japanese word dantotsu captures the very essence of benchmarking – striving to be the very best of the best. Our benchmarking visits create the opportunity to innovate, implement best practice, and develop improvement strategies. We have learnt over the years that the benchmarking process needs a very disciplined and focused approach.
We offer a range of benchmarking activities across the year – observing best practice in terms of organisational culture, operational excellence, safety, employee engagement, and people development.
We have recently visited the following organisations:
- Nissan car plant (Sunderland)
- Tong Garden Centre
- Foundation of Light (Official charity of Sunderland AFC)
- Portakabin (York)
- Ardagh Group (Doncaster)
- Accrol Group (Blackburn & Leyland)
- Berry Global (Beccles)
Benefits of benchmarking:
- Creates a mindset and culture of continuous improvement
- Brings a rigorous and independent assessment of current performance
- Supports consistency and standardisation across the organisation
- Identifies performance gaps
- Supports the development and engagement of employees

“Sharing knowledge and experience is a major benefit when organisations in the manufacturing industry open their doors to others, especially in relation to the common goal of keeping people safe. In my capacity as a regional HSE Manager for a global manufacturing company I am always on the lookout for the next opportunity to help us work towards a zero recordable accident environment in our factories, so I was delighted when the L&D Consortium invited me and other colleagues to visit Nissan and hear about their safety journey and the Dojo.”
David Brown, HSE Manager
Distribution Division, Berry Global