2016 proved to be a successful and productive year for the LDC. Some of the success stories included:

  • Supporting Ardagh with their Train The Trainer initiative
  • Our involvement and input with the DS Smith FLM project
  • Our “Investing in leadership” event in partnership with Durham Business School
  • Our benchmarking event at Ardagh Doncaster in December
  • Building some momentum with our work around Restorative Practice
  • A range of visits to the Nissan car factory in Sunderland
  • A two day workshop for Year 10 students from Dyke House Sports and Technology College

2017 will see us build on this work as well as introducing some new programmes and initiatives

  • In terms of our leadership work we plan to build on the relationship with Durham Business School and offer a range of activities during 2017
  • Through our partnerships with the Foundation of Light and the Leeds Rhinos Foundation we shall be running a range of events around CSR and employee engagement
  • 2017 will see us introduce a number of development programmes
  • 360 feedback as a development tool
  • Restorative Practice champions
  • Personal effectiveness (time management and the ability to prioritise)
  • Train The Trainer
  • Developing talent at an early stage

We shall certainly increase our activities around the role, development and performance of FLM. These activities will include

  • A FLM Best Practice conference in September 2017
  • Our 5 day development programme
  • An assessment centre for aspiring FLM
  • A range of short workshops for FLM
  • Formation of a FLM strategy group made up of representatives from consortium organisations

We will look to take a more structured and proactive approach to the work surrounding the UK Best Factory Awards. We hope in this area to build a collaborative relationship with the Cranfield School of Management.

DS Smith Featherstone and Ardagh Doncaster will host additional benchmarking events

The introduction of a “Tasting Menu” for new members of the LDC

A busy year ahead and we look forward to supporting our member organisations

2017 Ambitions

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