Mowgli Street Food Restaurant
Best practice visit - Mowgli Street Food Restaurant - Leeds
Best practice visit - Mowgli Street Food Restaurant - Leeds
Venue: Children North East
Nissan presenting 10.30 - 12.30
A new programme for 2022 – Initial briefings and workshops Your leadership brand, coaching and creating an engaging learning environment. Participants will already be operating in a leadership role and will want to take on a more challenging leadership position … Continued
The workshop is designed for people with just a phone or tablet so its ideal for beginners with basic kit wanting to create better quality social media and training videos. An interactive and hands on approach with lots of practical … Continued
A best practice workshop around the management and leadership of safety in the workplace. The opportunity to observe best practice at Ardagh Glass, Knottingley. This workshop provides additional support and resources beyond our monthly drop in sessions. Content: Site … Continued
An opportunity to hear about a growing organisation that puts culture and people at the heart of its business strategy. The Tong Garden Centre won the 2020 ‘Outstanding Employer’ category through the Yorkshire Post Business Excellence Awards. Content: Interventions … Continued
Time management and prioritisation. Introducing a range of techniques to improve our time management and our ability to prioritise. Beginning to look at strategies to improve our work life balance and overall wellbeing. Content: Blue time and red time … Continued
A 2 day event at M&H Plastics – observing best practice in terms of the development and progression of apprentices. The M&H business has recently developed their own internal apprenticeship academy – buildings and infrastructure. In terms of employee engagement … Continued
The workshop considers a strategic and creative approach to recruitment marketing. The workshop will explore why recruitment marketing should be an ongoing activity and we’ll start to develop an action plan for attracting quality candidates and making a great first … Continued
Our Building for the future programme - identifying and developing talent at an early stage. A 12 month development experience leading to a positive outcome for the individual and sponsoring organisation. Our programme identifies and develops individuals who have demonstrated … Continued
An interactive workshop which introduces a range of concepts and tips to support the design and delivery of a virtual development workshop. Ongoing support will be available beyond the 2 hour workshop. Content: Types of learner Schema theory Teaching … Continued
The role of the first line leader in creating an employee engagement culture. Members of our FLL development community have been researching best practice around employee engagement and developing some workshop material aimed at practicing first line leaders. Content: … Continued
A strategic and ambitious approach towards employee wellbeing and performance. The event will explore best practice and identify the various elements in the design of a wellbeing programme– culture, leadership behaviours, ways of working, training & education and resources generally. … Continued
So often the assessment of competency in the workplace is carried out in ad hoc fashion and without rigour. The workshop begins to explore winning strategies for the assessment of competency in the workplace. Content: What are the signs … Continued
A new programme for 2022 – Initial briefings and workshops Your leadership brand, coaching and creating an engaging learning environment. Participants will already be operating in a leadership role and will want to take on a more challenging leadership position … Continued
An ongoing project with a small group of manufacturing organisations who are working in a collaborative manner to design a framework which delivers effective leadership development for FLL. Durham University Business School (International Centre For Leadership & Followership) are our … Continued
Our work around the first line leader includes the rigorous selection of individuals who wish to take up the role. Experience suggests that appointing the wrong candidate and having to unravel the situation is a painful process for all concerned. … Continued
A team based workshop for 4-8 people focussed on identifying and removing process waste and redesigning workflows to deliver more value to customers and better standard processes for employees. The team should be cross functional with at least 25% of … Continued
This introduction to coaching skills will provide participants with the confidence to use coaching techniques in their day to day interactions; with colleagues, clients, and even family and friends. Content: Role and purpose of coaching The GROW model Current … Continued
Portakabin sharing their work around leadership development for FLL. An interactive workshop which forms part of our collaborative project around designing leadership development for FLL. Outcomes: Identifying opportunities to improve the current approach to leadership development for FLL Potential sharing … Continued
An opportunity to view a world class manufacturing facility and benchmark against a range of cultural and performance indicators. The Ardagh Doncaster plant manufactures glass containers for Coca Cola, Fever Tree & Nestle. Content: Site tour of the glass … Continued
An opportunity to view a world class manufacturing facility and benchmark against a range of cultural and performance indicators. The Ardagh Doncaster plant manufactures glass containers for Coca Cola, Fever Tree & Nestle. Content: Site tour of the glass … Continued
An insight into the training strategy for manufacturing staff at the Nissan car plant at Sunderland. The workshop will include the onboarding and training for new employees. Content: Key elements in the training strategy Basic skills training ILU approach … Continued
A briefing event which outlines the nature of the partnership between the LDC & the Nissan plant in Sunderland. We’ll be discussing our plans for 2022 and the range of resources available to our member organisations. During 2022 our member … Continued
A review of our FLL mentoring project with mentors and mentees sharing their experiences. The review will also identify areas of ongoing support required from the LDC. Facilitators: Alex Firmin (LDC) & Graham Scott (LDC) Date: December 3rd, 2021 Timings: … Continued
Our FLL strategy group to review progress during 2021, share success stories and identify priorities for 2022. Facilitators: Graham Scott (LDC) & Tony Fitton (DHL) Date: December 6th, 2021 Timing: 2.30pm – 4.30pm Venue: Zoom invite Cost: n/a Bookings: Please … Continued
Visiting a Mowgli restaurant is always a great experience. During 2021 the organisation achieved 28th position in the Sunday Times 100 Best Large Companies 'To Work For' award process. We’ll hear about all aspects of their employee engagement strategy during … Continued
A strategic insight into CSR, focussing on giving something back to the local community. The workshop will not cover the environmental and sustainability aspects of CSR. Content: The concept of ‘poverty proofing ‘ and the potential consequences for corporate … Continued
Women in UK Manufacturing A collaborative project which will look to attract more women into the UK Manufacturing Sector Initial 1 day conference to be held at Ardagh Glass Knottingley December 9th, 2021 A collaborative and strategic approach which will … Continued
Supporting Year 11 students at Dyke House Sports & Technology College, Hartlepool.
Enva - Scotland
Dance Festival
Online discussion with Durham University Business School
FLL visit to Nissan
FLL visit to Nissan
Visit to Nissan, Safety Dojo
FLL Programme 2 visit to Ardagh
FLL Programme 1 visit to Accrol
FLL Programme 1 visit to Ardagh Knottingley
Programme 2 visit to Accrol
Benchmarking CSR visit to the Foundation of Light, Sunderland
FLL Programme 1 - project presentation, Ardagh Doncaster
Full details TBA
Full details TBA
Full details TBA
Final workshop & presentations
Download full brief here: Employee Wellbeing Best Practice Group 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around employee wellbeing. Post COVID and given our current economic challenges, the employee wellbeing agenda continues to expand with organisations needing an innovative … Continued
Download full brief here: Investing in Organisational Culture - 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around a conscious investment in organisational culture. The best practice group reinforces the message that creating a positive organisational culture shouldn’t be left … Continued
Download full brief here: Recruitment Selection Onboarding Best Practice Group 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around GREAT recruitment, selection and onboarding of new employees. Adopting a cultural and ambitious approach to these important areas of employment practice. … Continued
Final workshop and presentations
Download full brief here: CSR Best Practice Groups 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around CSR in the workplace. We’ll look at how CSR is truly aligned to the overall strategy of the organisation and how we might … Continued
Download full brief here: Recruitment Selection Onboarding Best Practice Group 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around GREAT recruitment, selection and onboarding of new employees. Adopting a cultural and ambitious approach to these important areas of employment practice. … Continued
Download full brief here: Investing in Organisational Culture - 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around a conscious investment in organisational culture. The best practice group reinforces the message that creating a positive organisational culture shouldn’t be left … Continued
Download full brief here: Employee Wellbeing Best Practice Group 2023 This session is around Financial Wellbeing To share, explore and implement best practice around employee wellbeing. Post COVID and given our current economic challenges, the employee wellbeing agenda continues to … Continued
Download full brief here: CSR Best Practice Groups 2023 To share, explore and implement best practice around CSR in the workplace. We’ll look at how CSR is truly aligned to the overall strategy of the organisation and how we might … Continued